Content: 5 pcs. Set in wooden case Ø 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 mm
Quality classification: Premium
The description of the tool design: Carbide tipped with brad point, 2 main edges, 2 roughing taps. Precisely ground by diamond wheel on CNC machines. High quality carbide tipping and special waved grinding (> Ø 23 mm) on the main edges.
Tool material: High quality carbide tipping
Recommended r.p.m. and specific example for the most common diameters in the according field of application: 1500 - 8000 min-1. e.g. Ø 35 mm 3000 min-1 in euro. hardwood.
Description of application: Tear free accurate holes in all types of hardwood, plastic coated chipboards and plastics. Very good material removal because of the waved ground main edges. For stationary use
Practical advice and specialty of the tool: Boring with nearly no effort, also unbelievable endurance when used for hardwood and hard plastics. For freehand drilling we recommend the TCT-Bormax³ of our product line 1663